Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My first piece as a backpack journalist for NBC

I added an extra project to my list of 'things to do this summer.'
And I'm happy to say it's done - so I can focus on the final stretch for both summer classes.
But I thought some of you might enjoy seeing it.

Just so you know, I am planning to use this tape as part of my capstone final project. But since I'd already gathered the footage, I pitched the story to NBC and they said they would be happy to take a package on it. But they did not pay me for the piece. (note: I had to take vacation days to shoot it, and traveled on my own dime.) This was free content for NBC - other then a few script sessions with a producer in New York. But I do, now, have a package with my name and voice - not to mention tape I shot and edited - on the NBC website. So that's the trade off. It's not a sustainable financial set up. (No kidding!) But OK for now.

The piece was posted on the NBC website last Friday - July 17th, 2009.

Please click here to see it.

take care -


Retooling IG website - answering the 7 questions

Jul 9, 2009

Seven questions for tonight

1. Who is our target audience (hint: Don't try to be all things to all people)

1st - Media and congress are main focus.

2nd- But general public – taxpayers are the secondary focus. Which includes

Interior Dept workers could be part of our target audience.

2. What is the competitive landscape? (hint: Sites that do it well)

GAO does it better. They have well defined list of recent reports – new technologies like Twitter – links for congress and media clearly labeled.

3. How do we differentiate ourselves? (hint: Secret sauce)

Create an IG home page that reflects the many projects that the office has investigated and issued reports on. Using visuals – still pictures and video. With summaries that are easy to read and link you to full reports.

One element of this - MAP of the U-S to highlight investigations. List topics to right on map. This could be a small icon on the main front page – when you click on it pops up and can be interactive.

4. How do we create our site? (hint: Staff and schedule)

Have a core of editors – two people – who write synopsis of the project. And organize the front page. Public Relations person have to Twitter info about latest reports. And IT person will execute the act of putting new items on website. Independent contractor already hired to redesign the site. Create template that others can implement.

5. How do we get our content? (hint: Pre-built, manual, automatic, updated)

From investigations, audits, evaluations, inspections and assessments. Many of these, already conducted by IG employees, have video and still pictures as part of their reports. These investigators already are use to doing two versions of their reports – one for the pubic and one for internal files.

6. How do we market our site? (hint: Spread the word)

Get list of media outlets and have PR person get email lists of names to alert them to the report. Send a press release – highlighting there are visuals - and link to report on website. Also note main website address.

Twitter, facebook, YouTube look at what GAO is doing

There is an exisiting campaign marketing the hotline complaint line. Needs to be updated and include website address. And link website to – and on the site have a link to IG site.

Change the website address to – easier to market then the current – doioig – (dept of interior office of inspector general).

7. How do we sustain the site? (hint: Show me the $$$)

Federal appropriations – and employees already on the payroll. President Obama has already said he wants to make the federal government more interactive. So

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Elevator (short) pitch for project Idea

More than 10-thousand print reporters either retired or were laid off so far this year (in 2009). But the newsrooms are still open and trying to figure out how they can interact with readers &/or customers while operating with smaller staffs. I say we design a program to help these newsrooms bring some of the online digital tools to their websites  - so they are more interactive. Once the program is up and running we can start a consulting business to travel to various newsrooms (or national conventions and conduct sample training seminars) and train the news managers and staffers on how to incorporate these skills into their daily routines.